If you want to join the movement to end racism and are not sure where to start or how to take action — or, perhaps, you’re already on the journey and want to be in community so we can be better allies together — we invite you to join us for this important discussion and practice.
Please don’t feel paralyzed! We CAN move forward together.
Led by Carolyn Little & JWow
(scroll to bottom of page to read more about Carolyn and Julie Woods (Jwow) )
Hosted by Love Yoga Festival
WHEN: Thursday, July 9th
6:00 – 7:30pm EST
(plus optional 15 minute Q&A following)
Cost: $30
Discussion and the opportunity to gain a better understanding of what systemic racism is and your role in it.
Experience how yoga and meditation offer us the tools to show up more fully, in our own work and as allies. We will practice gentle movement, breathwork, and meditation so please dress comfortably and have a yoga mat handy.
Gain the support of a community as you take your next individual and collective steps forward in this work.
This workshop is open to all people, and all abilities, however, conversation will be geared towards white and white-identifying people who are new to the work of deconstructing and ending structural racism.
COST: $30
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Black Lives Matter Boston.
Carolyn’s teaching draws on decades of experience in deconstructing personal and institutional systems through:
graduate work in Social Justice in Intercultural Relations
6 years in ceremony and mentorship with Indigenous Elders re-learning the Native American history and ways of healing
15 years teaching Yoga & Meditation (for more about Carolyn visit HERE)
She will share what she’s learned, and how she is still learning.
“Once our voices get heard in places of peace,then they SHALL NOT be silenced in the streets.”
~ JWow
JWow specializes in being a safe space for people to learn how to build bridges: she’s an urban shaman — with a Harvard degree in clinical psychology and 49 years of experience in rape, trauma, and domestic abuse counseling — who has trained trainers for the Pentagon. For more about JWow visit HERE.
JWow — as a Black, lesbian “cultural bridgineer” — is building a Global Culture and Language of Inclusion, Welcome, and Empower-meant. (Check out this Forbes article and watch her speech in Boston on the Zapatista Women’s International Women’s Day.)
Together, JWow and Carolyn will support everyone in walking with heart, mind, and body through what JWow calls “SASS”: the Shadow and Shine Sphere.”
Each person needs to purchase a ticket to attend. If you purchase 2 tickets, please email us the name and email of the second person (hello@loveyogafest.com)