Welcome Fall! Welcome in the new season with my 10 day, whole foods Ayurvedic based cleanse focuses on detoxifying the liver, kidneys, adrenals, and the blood. It improves digestion, eliminating unwanted weight and bloating, leaving you feeling lighter and more energized! I will guide you step by step through this gentle process and in addition, you’ll be supported by an entire online community of people who are following the program.
Do you want a more vibrant, healthy, energized body in just 10 days?
Feeling a little sluggish from the abundance of summer social gatherings and vacations?
Looking for a natural, gentle way to lose weight and reset your body to crave healthy foods?
Do you want to balance hormones, curb cravings and mood swings?
Do you want to boost your immune system, gain mental clarity, and strengthen your overall being with the inspiration to integrate these practices into your daily routine?
If you answered YES to any or all of these questions, then this cleanse is for you! Note that this is not a fast or a juice cleanse. You will be learning how to create plant-based, delicious, seasonal, nutrient dense meals that will allow your body to not only heal but to THRIVE!
How does the program work?
This program is all online, easy to follow from the comfort of your home, and can be done while working and leading your regular lifestyle. Although, I do encourage you to clear your schedule to the extent that you can to allow for time to both exercise and to rest.
Cleansing begins Wednesday, Oct 16th and ends on Friday, October 25th
Before the cleanse begins you will receive: an introduction to the cleanse explaining why we are cleansing and what benefits it has for your body, mind, and overall being; an invitation to the google group where we will communicate throughout the cleanse; a meal chart and shopping lists.
Throughout the cleanse you will also receive daily emails of guidance and support from me, seasonal whole foods recipes; yoga, breathing and meditation practices.
You will have a few days to prepare yourself, your kitchen, and your home, so you can have the most successful experience during the cleanse.
You can choose to do this cleanse self guided if you are not able to participate in these dates. Please register below and you will receive all of the information to navigate the cleanse on your own.
I’m excited to welcome back Shannon Noel, founder of Noel Herbal Skin Care, who will be giving you some luxurious, detoxifying body & skin treatments. A practicing skincare therapist for 15 years, Shannon will share some of her favorite DIY facials, herbal teas, and tinctures to turn this cleanse into a home spa experience.
“What you put on your skin is just as important as what you put into your body. Eating healthy foods and using natural products to cleanse & hydrate your skin, should make you feel good. I want to help you create your best self. If you are happy & healthy it shows through your skin.” -Shannon Noel
This cleanse is designed to stabilize blood sugar, improve the function of your lymphatic system, flush the liver, and reset your fat metabolism. Now is the time to join and it’s just what your body is asking for!
First Time Cleansers: $149
Returning Cleansers: $109
Current Health Coaching Clients: $49
Register by Friday, October 11th!
What people are saying about the cleanse…
“The positive benefits just kept pouring in! The bloating from my diet before the cleanse went away in a couple days – I felt leaner and more comfortable in my clothes. Other achievements include increasing productivity (I tackled an organizational project I had been putting off and kept the house very clean and tidy), dedicating myself to a daily exercise routine, enjoying social occasions without the non-cleanse food and booze, stabilizing moods (even my emotions felt less foggy) and more physical and emotional energy to give to my family. Mental clarity. I am living closer to my potential. Being able to remember more and feel sharper is very valuable to me, since I tend to be forgetful. I am functioning at a higher level – how remarkable that food has such a profound effect.”
~Sara G.
“Participating in regular cleanses with Carolyn has changed so many aspects of who I am. I am settling back into my body with more awareness. I feel more comfortable in my own skin and more aware of what I need to be whole.”
~Susan B.
“What I find inspiring about being around Carolyn is that she lives her truth. In courageously holding this space it creates opportunities for others to bow into their own truth, no matter how beautiful it is. I really respect the way in which Carolyn has the capacity to hold space for others. I think it may be a genuine by-product of a deep self-love practice. If you, yourself feel heard, you can attentively listen to another. In listening to you, for you, she creates opportunities for one to actually hear themselves. And once you start really listening…well that is where all the magic of navigating new terrain begins!”
~Ashley S.
Live Thrive Love, LLC and the owners and employees do not provide medical or counseling advice. None of our services and nothing stated or posted on livethrivelove.com is intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medical or counseling care. For the purposes of this agreement, the practice of medicine and counseling includes but is not limited to, diagnosis, prognosis, advice, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy or general health care treatment. Please seek the advice of your medical professionals as appropriate regarding the evaluation of any information, opinion or content on livethrivelove.com. LIVE THRIVE LOVE, LLC advise you to seek professional medical advice prior to purchasing any cleansing packages or participating in any cleanse.
Therefore, you are solely responsible for your actions and understand the risks.
By reading this disclaimer you waive all rights to pursue legal action against LIVE THRIVE LOVE, LLC